Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Starting Over

Hello, everyone, old readers and new.  I am resurrecting Primp and Tell from the dead, although in a slightly different incarnation from before.  Missy and I had big hopes for this website, but life kind of got in the way.  Since our last post, between us three children have been added to our respective families, there have been family illnesses, children starting school, surgeries, and in my case, a marital snafu (if I'm being honest).  But I've missed writing, and my interest in beauty products, fashion, and celebrity gossip hasn't waned. 

Therefore, this is just going to be a fun, casual place to talk about what products I'm in love with, which ones I hate, a place to muse about celebrity gossip, discuss the fashion magazines and what I like and don't like about certain things.  Also - this will be a place to document my obsession with nail polish.  Over the last two years, I've become quite the connoisseur, and while it's shameful at the amount of polishes I've acquired, I have a lot of fun finding new colors. 

Of course Missy will still be chiming in when she finds the time and the inclination.  Hopefully we can gain our readers back, and add a few more to the pile.

So I sign off for now with a picture of my current polish, the deadly gorgeous matte version of OPI's La Paz-itively Hot.  My picture doesn't do it justice, but just trust that the beauty is immeasurable.  For better pictures by real nail bloggers more dedicated than I, do a Google search on the brand and name, and you'll see what I mean.

About Us

Welcome to Primp and Tell! We're a bunch of frugal fashionistas who love make-up, anything to do with fashion, and especially a great deal. Join us as we review our latest finds, giving you our honest-to-goodness opinions. If you are interested in advertising please send us an email. Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to subscribe!

Unless otherwise noted, all images are © Missy Saunders Photography. Any use of our images without express written permission is strictly forbidden.

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