Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Physician's Formula Eyebrightener Multi-Colored Eyelighter

I don't buy a whole lot of Physician's Formula, not for any particular reason that I can think of. Perhaps they don't advertise enough? Maybe I'm not intrigued enough? I don't know... At any rate, these "Eyelighters" are only two of three things I have ever purchased from that brand. (The other being this powder that neither of us was crazy about.) I do like these a lot. They give a very sheer, subtle burst of light shimmery color. They are ideal for highlighting the brow bone. Or I'll also use them on my eyelids on days that I just want to look kind of natural and soft. They come with a nice little brush that works well, plus the mosaic of colors is so pretty to look at! You can find them at most drug stores for roughly $7.99.


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