AMBI Even & Clear
Well, apparently, this product is for women with "rich skin tones," those with "African, Latin, and South Asian" heritage, which certainly doesn't include myself, but I know it concerns many of you. I didn't know this was its purpose when I purchased it. But I still liked it. It is very inexpensive: I bought each of these for less than $5. I like the way the cleanser foams and the way the exfoliating wash lathers. My skin felt nice and clean, all traces of makeup were gone, and my skin didn't feel tight afterward at all. I would be curious to see what those of you with "rich skin tones" think. To those of us who are "paler than Frosty's naked butt," I recommend it as just a good, inexpensive cleansing system. I plan on buying more, with the hopes it'll help me look more tan. HA! Kidding.
So funny! The "rich skin tones" is probably just a marketing tool since it worked on your fair skin.
Well, now I want to try the Aveeno too! I hope you can get your hands on it. I like your honest reviews of everyday products.
Let's pretend I left that last comment on the post above this one.
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