John Frieda Radiant Red Shampoo & Conditioner
Do we have a lot of redheads out there? I'm a natural redhead whose hair has gone a bit bland and mousy over the years. I often dye it just to give it an extra boost of color every now and then. This shampoo and conditioner is a great mid-point between dying and maintaining great red color.
I haven't noticed a huge difference in the actual color of my hair, I think that will take time, but it's a lot shinier and my hair seems to reflect light just a bit more, enough I actually notice. This product is definitely meant for a functional use, not a frilly fruity shampoo that makes your hair smell great. It smells like a more subdued hair dye. Which is actually a major negative, especially when your husband hugs you, sniffs your hair, and reacts with a "Wow that stuff really doesn't smell good does it?"
So I've spritzed some Dove leave-in conditioner in my hair after showering to combat that problem and it really helps! I know lots of people use the Blonde and Brunette versions of these products with great results. I'm now inclined to try out the Pantene Red products, too!
I have to say I love the brunette version. My hair gets so shiny and silky when I use it. I would buy it much more often if it wasn't at least $5 a bottle. I used the Pantene version, and the results weren't as dramatic. Maybe the Pantene red will be different.
I use the brunette version too, and I love it! They used to have a hairspray too that was wonderful, didn't dull your hair, build up or make it all sticky and crispy, but I haven't been able to find it it forever, so I think they may have discontinued it.
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