Tip o' the Day
When coating lashes with mascara, wedge the wand right against the roots and wiggle it before drawing it out. This makes the base of the lashes appear fuller and thicker.
Read more...When coating lashes with mascara, wedge the wand right against the roots and wiggle it before drawing it out. This makes the base of the lashes appear fuller and thicker.
Read more...Congratulations, MichelleSG! Your number was selected using a random number generator, and you are the winner of the Maybelline Plumping Lipcolor! Please send an e-mail to primpandtell@gmail.com with your address and we'll send it right out!
Thanks to Kristen, who sent me this message to pass on to you:
To find the most natural-looking blush color for you, pinch one of your cheeks when you have no makeup on, and apply blush to the other side. If your cheeks match, it's the right shade.
Read more...It's Missy here bringing you today's tip!
After tweezing brows, spritz with a fine mist of water to see any baby hairs you may have missed.Keep checking back because we will be having a giveaway this week! (I'm just not telling you when!) Read more...
The winner of the Scrub Your Nose In It is "Randivon." The usernames for the two winners for the Flake Away are "Ginnn7" and "Amber&Robby." Congratulations, everyone! Please send us an e-mail to primpandtell@gmail.com with your name and address, and we'll send them right out!
Night 1 – I actually really like the feel of the cleanser. Just the tiniest bit grainy, but otherwise soft and smooth. Also smells quite nice. The night cream was just that, a cream. No real thoughts about it, yet. It’s probably my imagination because I’m having a good skin day, but I swear my face seems a little glowier.
Morning 2 – Again, my skin seems extra radiant and fresh. I think it’s the cleanser.
Night 3 – The packaging promises day 1-3 you will enjoy a “revived, healthy glow.” And it’s true. Today I’ve had one of the best skin days I’ve had in a very long time. I mean, since this is an honest website telling the truth – here goes. My chin breaks out BAD from ingrown hairs. And I hate it because I feel like I look dirty and unkempt. But, no blemishes on my chin today. Coincidence? I’m thinking not, but let’s see.
Deepen the color of any powder eye shadow by dipping a small, firm brush in water before swiping it over the shade. "It gives an intensity to the color," says makeup artist Jeanine Lobell. It also helps the shadow last. Just don't try to blend two shades - you'll make a mess.
Read more...To give the skin a subtle sheen, mix a pea-size drop of highlighter with foundation in your palm before applying. To make foundation a little darker (in the spring or summer), try this trick with a drop of liquid bronzer instead of highlighter.
Read more...Melinda won the Maybelline Shiny-Licious Lip Gloss, and Mubeen won the L'oreal Beauty Tubes Mascara! Congratulations, ladies. Please send an e-mail to primpandtell@gmail.com with your address and we'll get them out right away. Thanks for entering! Check back Monday for our last weekly giveaway. After next week, giveaways will be random surprises!
Read more...While this one will benefit anyone - this is especially for Jenny. She asked about highlighter a couple of weeks ago:
Okay, ladies. We need some of your reviews! Once a week we'll be selecting one entry to post on Primp & Tell as a guest review. Keep in mind we aren't just looking for positive reviews - we relish a scathing one as well. Please submit your review along with your own picture of the product. We'll select the review to be posted based on how well it fits with our vision of the website and on the writing. Don't worry about grammatical errors - I'm a champion editor - I actually enjoy it. (That being said, if you ever catch an error that I have missed - please tell me!) Please submit your reviews to primpandtell@gmail.com with the words "Guest Review" in the subject line. We look forward to reading them!
Read more...Okay, girls, we are adding a new little feature to our site here - daily makeup tips that will hopefully help you out of some tough makeup jams, or just teach you how-to. (Although, let's not call it a "daily" tip. We'll call it a "semi-daily" tip. You know, just in case I forget. Which I won't. But just in case.
To remove a makeup smudge without starting over completely, dip a cotton swab into moisturizer and wipe it over the spot. Then blend in any remaining cream.
When I was in college, one of my boyfriends was badly burned and was in the ER, heavily under the influence of morphine. I’d been there at his bedside for hours, holding his hand and whispering sweet nothings to comfort him. Amid his ramblings of little men walking across the ceiling, he looked lovingly and gratefully into my eyes, crooked his finger so I would come closer and whispered in my ear, “You look like a raccoon.” Thus began my quest for the perfect mascara.
There are many I have tried that I loved in theory, because they made my lashes look amazing and thick and feathery. But by mid-afternoon, I again resembled a raccoon. I don’t like waterproof, because no matter what I have to take it off, short of turpentine, it still stays put. It’s like spackle or something. But finally I found something I really like. It’s L'oreal’s Beauty Tubes Mascara. They aren’t the first ones to employ the beauty tubes technology, but certainly the first to do it affordably. You put on the primer first, then the mascara immediately thereafter. It makes your lashes incredibly long, and literally does NOT smudge AT ALL. Like, seriously, dude, not at all. Seriously. Then you get in the shower, and with some mild soap and warm water, you can literally gently pull the mascara straight off of your lashes. These tiny, thin strings just come off right onto your finger - clean. It doesn’t hurt and nothing gets left behind. It is so much fun to remove, that I think I would wear it even if I didn’t like it. The main positive point for me really is the lack of any smudging or flaking. That being said, it can sometimes get a little sticky by the end of the day, and if you are fortunate enough to get a little cat-nap during the day, be sure to sleep on your back, or your eyelashes will fuse together into one giant wonder-lash - an eyelash that lifts weights and bullies all your other eyelashes. And nobody wants that.
Julie asks: Do you prefer a pencil eyeliner or a liquid one? Do you stick with black and brown eyeliners or do you ever go for a color? Any application tips?
Kelli tells: My answer is a mixed one of personal opinions and some advice from professionals. I like the way liquid eyeliner looks, but it's way too easy to mess up, and hard to fix. Whereas a pencil, if you mess up, you can just smudge it for a kind of smoky look and you are good to go. There are actually a lot of new powder eyeliners on the market now, my newest find being L'oreal Bare Naturale Gentle Mineral Eyeliner. Stored separately in the cap is an amazing brush. It's very thin and a little stiff and it draws a perfect, liquid-like line. I would buy it for the brush alone. It has great colors that aren't too crazy, like navy, bronze, and olive. That being said, ahem, I LOOOOVE to use bright, unbsubtle colors. When I use a bold liner, sometimes I don't put anything else on. I think that looks quite pretty. Or sometimes I'll use a complementary color, like say navy blue liner with a lighter blue. But also sometimes I'll do fun combos. I've done navy liner and shimmery gold shadow. For those last two options, the shadow has to be subtle though, and just on the lid, not up to the brow bone. But that's not for everyone. It just depends on your taste. I know Missy likes to be more understated, whereas I'll go all out!
Bobbi Brown recommends the following colors for blue eyes: ash, taupe, gray, heather, slate, and lilac. Now here's where I give my two cents, just in case you are wanting extra color. With your red hair, I personally believe you can get away with greens or even teal, but I'd really have to see it on you. Revlon ColorStay has the perfect navy color, it lasts all day, and I think it would look great with blue eyes. The original thinking with makeup was that you should never use the same color as your eyes, but use colors that are the opposite. But more recently, that's getting debunked and some makeup artists even recommend matching, or complementing your eye color. Honestly, it all just depends on self-expression and taste.
As far as application is concerned, for making a smooth line along the upper lashes, Laura Mercier recommends you start at the outer corner and draw a series of dashes with an eye pencil as close to the lashes as possible. Then connect the dots. She said it's the best trick she ever learned.
Vanessa asks: Do they make [Maybelline ShinyLicious Lip Gloss] in any other colors? Is this the best color you saw for red heads?
Missy tells: One thing I've heard people complain about with this gloss is that it doesn't have a lot of pigment in it. This is true of this color, too, but it has a silvery bronze sheen to it, which makes it a more understated but super shiny coat. The lack of pigment would almost mean that any color of this lip gloss would work with most skin tones, and you can change it to your liking with an under layer of lipstick or stain.
That being said, there are a lot of different colors, a couple of which I want to try: Raiz'n Razzle and Sugar Plum. Both are on the neutral side and would be perfect for redheads. But I'm chicken when it comes to doing something daring with my lips, so I'd say try any color you really love and see if it works for you. Lolli Pink has me intrigued for something more springy. :) I may even pick up a new shade today and let you know!
Anonymous asks: I have been struggling with some really crappy skin lately. I have combination skin. Oily and dry. But lately, I have had ridiculous breakouts and ridiculous dry patches to the point where my skin is flaking. You can SEE it. Like I got sunburned or something (which I didn't) and now it's starting to flake. Suggestions? It's so embarrassing! I swear by my Mary Kay products and hesitate to use anything else because my skin is so sensitive. Not sure what to do though. HELP fashionistas!
Missy tells: The first thing I would ask is if you have introduced anything new into your skin care line? Or even a new soap or detergent? If so, stop using anything new immediately and see if there is any improvement in your skin. Sometimes stress or other hormonal problems can cause your skin to go berserk so oftentimes you just have to ride out the storm, so to speak. If your skin gets worse, and nothing you are doing to improve it makes it any better, I would recommend going to go see a dermatologist. Over-the-counter skin care products and cosmetics aren't always the answer to having healthy skin, sometimes seeing a professional is necessary! I noticed that Boots at Target has a new Sensitive skin care line and it looks like that might be an option for you, too, to get your skin really clean and free of any chemicals that might be reacting badly to your skin. Best of luck to you!
Shannon asks: OK, now that I know how to exfoliate, what balms do you use that WORK? I have the DRIEST lips ever, and I am constantly peeling them, so that it DOES look like I am an extra in Fight Club! I use Burt's Bees right now, but they are still SO dry!
Kelli tells: Burt's Bees totally dries my lips out. I don't know if it does for everyone, but there you go. Missy is going to be checking several lip balms sometime soon and post the best of the lot. In the meantime, a friend of mine e-mailed us with this tip, which I'm going to start trying tonight; since I'm currently breastfeeding, I just happen to have some of this product in the house:
Amber tells: "After I had my first child (almost 3 years ago) I read on the Lansinoh pure lanolin packaging (normally used for dry, cracked nipples) that it was also good for diaper rash and - wait for it - moisturizing your lips. Ever since my husband and I use it like chapstick and we LOVE IT! So, have you ever heard of this or tried this yourself? If not, I dare you to try it. I put it on at night and in the morning my lips are full and soft as a babies...well you know :)
Seriously it's one of those things that I randomly bring up if someone has chapped lips because it works that well and it last FOREVER. Just the tiniest bit (less than that even) is all you need.
So try it, I dare you! You will never go back to chapstick if you do. I often put it on just after applying lipstick too, it acts much like a lip gloss. You find it in the baby bottle isle with the nursing pads (purple packaging)."
And the lucky two are... Shannon Bowers won the Uptempo Plum and Carla Fry won the Jumpin' Jade! Congrats, ladies, and please send us an e-mail with your address so we can get these out to you right away. Enjoy!
Welcome to our newest sponsor! Mariah is an Etsy store owner and one super crafty chick! The One Stop Gift Shop is one of those great Etsy sites that has anything you might need for a quick gift for a friend, a cute pair of earrings for everyday wear, or something to satisfy your hankering for handmade goodness! Check her shop out and let her know that Primp and Tell sent you!
I'm a sucker for a beautiful photo shoot, so I followed the links on Yahoo's homepage to a photo shoot of Katie Holmes in Glamour Magazine. At the end of the slideshow, they advertised a really good promotion. For their 70th anniversary, they are offering a full year of the magazine for their 1939 price of $1.50! That's just $1.50 for the entire year! The catch is you can't select "Bill Me Later," you have to give them a credit card number right away, but I think it's worth it. It's a really great magazine with beautiful clothes, makeup, and fun articles. Enjoy!
Party Wickless with Scentsy Wickless Candles. Scentsy offers 50 beautiful warmers, 12 plug-ins and over 80 scents available in wax bars, room sprays and car candles!What better way to primp your home than to include these safe and affordable alternatives to wick candles! Please check out their collection of wonderful products and tell Shellie that Primp and Tell sent you! Read more...