Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Clean & Clear Soft In-Shower Facial

Before I get started here, let me apologize again for the light posting! It really has been a crazy kind of month for me, and I know Missy has been crazy-busy as well. But I'm on the mend, now, and my oldest is about to start kindergarten, and all of this will enable me to work more Primp & Tell time in for all of you.

As previously mentioned several times, I'm a sucker for any exfoliating product. And it's probably a marketing technique, but when they put the word "facial" on anything, it makes it seem so hard-core, upscale and fancy, even though it really just means it's a beauty treatment for the face. So, I get sucked right in every time. Clean & Clear makes this great exfoliating "facial." It has a very fine grain to it, and it does a good job of exfoliating. It works, it's decent. Bottom line, really, I probably won't be dying to buy it again when it runs out - I reserve that passion for my Soap & Glory Scrub Your Nose In It.


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