Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tip o' the Day

Brightly colored eyeliners and shadows are the big thing right now. (Is it bad that I've been wearing them for years? I think I always will - at some point I'll be out of fashion I suppose. So be it.) In order to have success with this look, there are certain things to keep in mind.

  1. Bright, electric shades such as blue, turquoise, green, and violet are the trend now... Stay away from yellow, red, and orange. They pop up on the runway, but they tend to look unhealthy in real life...
  2. For intensity, pair your eyeliner shade with a matching mascara. Or apply colored eye shadow over your liner to add depth. Play with texture: For bold looks, use matte shadows; for a softer effect, try metallic or iridescent finishes.
  3. Your eyes should be the focal point of this look, so keep your lips and cheeks toned down with soft shades - especially if the liner is drawn in an interesting shape.
Taken from Allure magazine, August '08.


Mrs. O April 7, 2009 at 1:02 PM  

Would love to see some photo examples for real life.

Kelli April 7, 2009 at 3:04 PM  

You know, Mrs. Organic, that's actually not a bad idea. At this point, it's just a matter of logistics. Missy and I both have young families, and it's hard for us to get together for pictures. She's the amazing photographer, and the pics just wouldn't look good without her expertise. But we'll see what we can do...

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Unless otherwise noted, all images are © Missy Saunders Photography. Any use of our images without express written permission is strictly forbidden.

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