Monday, March 30, 2009

John Frieda Radiant Red Shampoo & Conditioner

I was checking out the clearance end caps at Walmart one evening and picked up this set of John Frieda Radiant Red Shampoo & Conditioner. It was after all, only $3 a bottle, which is at least half price!

Do we have a lot of redheads out there? I'm a natural redhead whose hair has gone a bit bland and mousy over the years. I often dye it just to give it an extra boost of color every now and then. This shampoo and conditioner is a great mid-point between dying and maintaining great red color.

I haven't noticed a huge difference in the actual color of my hair, I think that will take time, but it's a lot shinier and my hair seems to reflect light just a bit more, enough I actually notice. This product is definitely meant for a functional use, not a frilly fruity shampoo that makes your hair smell great. It smells like a more subdued hair dye. Which is actually a major negative, especially when your husband hugs you, sniffs your hair, and reacts with a "Wow that stuff really doesn't smell good does it?"

So I've spritzed some Dove leave-in conditioner in my hair after showering to combat that problem and it really helps! I know lots of people use the Blonde and Brunette versions of these products with great results. I'm now inclined to try out the Pantene Red products, too!


Kelli March 30, 2009 at 10:53 AM  

I have to say I love the brunette version. My hair gets so shiny and silky when I use it. I would buy it much more often if it wasn't at least $5 a bottle. I used the Pantene version, and the results weren't as dramatic. Maybe the Pantene red will be different.

Minnie April 1, 2009 at 2:53 PM  

I use the brunette version too, and I love it! They used to have a hairspray too that was wonderful, didn't dull your hair, build up or make it all sticky and crispy, but I haven't been able to find it it forever, so I think they may have discontinued it.

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